I offer supervision to practising counsellors/therapists.
We can do 1 hour sessions or 1.5 hour sessions.
Some people even chose not to allow themselves to think about the person who has died.
(This isn’t couples counselling or Sex Therapy.)
Our opinion is based on our past experiences and beliefs we have about ourselves. These beliefs can sometimes be misplaced and can feel very difficult to change. When you have low self-esteem, you may struggle to value yourself, this can affect your life in a number of ways. You may find it hard to have a relationship. You might struggle to believe in yourself. You may find it difficult to start new things or take rational risks. Your self-care may suffer, and you prioritise other people’s feelings over your own.
Counselling can help you explore where these feeling are coming from, and help you change your thought patterns so that you can start to understand and accept how important you are.